July 20, 2021



As the U.S. 随着人口老龄化,患有多种慢性疾病的患者数量不断增加. 这一人口的增长是全国医疗保健费用上升的主要原因. Among these patients, 行动不便会限制主动去看医生的能力. 由于缺乏常规和预防性护理,这些患者会向急诊科寻求紧急护理, 这可能导致住院和在专业护理机构住院.

Senior Woman Getting a Vaccine From her Doctor

Whole-patient delivery model solves many challenges.

Landmark Health开发了创新方法,与卫生计划和交付系统合作,为患有复杂疾病的患者提供全面护理. 通过上门拜访、视频访问和电话支持,Landmark提供:

• routine medical care,
• urgent visits,
• post-hospital visits,
• behavioral health support,
• social work services,
• palliative care and more.

Landmark通过移动设备补充和增强患者从初级保健提供者和专家那里获得的护理, longitudinal care available 24/7. 我们的医疗模式和技术平台有利于协作, evidence-based care, and accurate documentation. 我们使用专有的预测分析来优先考虑患者外展,并确定和解决临床护理和文档方面的差距.

Landmark的全患者输送系统已被证明有效地帮助患者过上更现金足球网哪个好的生活, 同时减少不必要的住院治疗和医疗费用.


The average Landmark patient is 77 years old, has more than eight chronic conditions, and has high health care utilization and spend. 标志性患者往往面临社会和行为障碍,以管理他们的慢性疾病. 我们40%的病人有两种或两种以上的行为现金足球网哪个好问题, and another 40 percent have advanced renal disease. 许多人每天都要服用12种甚至更多的处方药.

Landmark bears risk for its members.

Landmark承担了超过16万名患者的财务风险. Landmark承担的风险结构和财务风险取决于几个因素,包括符合条件的患者数量和人群特征. In many cases, Landmark为所有符合条件的患者承担全部下行风险, shares in the savings with our partner, 甚至保证我们的合伙人价值从第一年开始.

作为一家承担风险的医疗集团,Landmark从患者在家疗养中获益. 通过按结果付费的模式,Landmark可以提供更高水平的个性化护理. Landmark’s focus on holistic, 常规护理和预防可减少住院人数,延长患者寿命, more independent lives.

An integrated clinical team delivers holistic care.

Landmark’s value-based care relies on employed, 当地多学科护理团队为跨越医疗保险优势的患者带来有意义的结果, Medicaid, dual, commercial, and exchange populations.

Landmark的临床团队包括医生和高级护理从业人员,以及行为现金足球网哪个好和其他专家. 具有里程碑意义的医疗服务提供者接受过广泛的培训,可以照顾有复杂需求的患者,并解决长期的身体问题, social, and mental health concerns. This local team of clinicians closes care gaps, reduces unnecessary utilization, and improves outcomes and patient satisfaction. Landmark offers patients:


Meaningful outcomes.

Landmark的收费标准是我们的服务质量,而不是访问量. 我们通常帮助合作伙伴达到ACA STARs计划的五星级绩效指标, among their most complex members. Some of our outcomes include:

• Proven, 所有符合Landmark标准的患者的医疗损失率(MLR)持续改善20 - 25%.
• 97 percent of Landmark patients respond that, “Landmark帮助我远离了医院或急诊室.”

Landmark service areas.

Landmark is actively expanding. 目前,我们在以下几个州的50多个城市和半农村社区为患者提供服务, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington.

如果您有兴趣了解更多信息或探索与Landmark的合作关系,请访问 www.LandmarkHealth.org/Partners and fill out the contact form. We will reach out to you.